Saturday, December 4, 2004


Looks like Dubya wants to be the "brains" of the outfit in his second term.

Yeah, it's that bad!

For the most part Dubya doesn't like to have "smarty pants" know it all guys around him. Because, what could be worse than to have someone working for you who thinks he's smarter than you are! And maybe deserves to be president more than Dubya!

Hence, the cabinet is being re-shuffled to eliminate any intellectual types and replace them with "team players," who aren't a real threat to upstage the president.

Cheney is a good example of this "non-treatening" type. Quiet, confidential, loyal, and with some serious health problems; Cheney was made to be VP for someone like Dubya.

Remember when Colin was a hot GOP property?

Everyone thought that Colin had some super star power, and might dominate the stage to the detriment of Dubya? Perhaps even be the "shadow president" Yeah right, well he's gone now.

An as a black woman, Condi is the perfect replacement. No threat at all to Dubya there,and she knows how to go out and bring the coffee too!

Instead, Wolfie and the Pentagon Neocons turned out to be the real "shadow president" during the first term.

And, perhaps, God help us all, in term two as well! Four more Wars....?

And Rummy? Well, Rummy is about as scatter-brained as Dubya.....hmmm....maybe more scatter-brained come to think of it.

But, I suppose that's an unknowable unknown, as opposed to an knowable unknown. Ya think?

Now comes, Bernard B. Kerik, for Homeland Security. And he's really really Dubya's kinda guy. A party loyalist, who knows who signs his paycheck!

And, Bernie could bring some of those policing and penal notions he learned in Iraq back to the US! And who better to run our nascent policestate, than a cop's cop? Hmmmm....AbuGraib on the Potomac??

Still, my hunch is that Kerik will have loads of trouble with Kongress and the the Washington establishment. They''ve seen the Bull in the China Shop type before. Frankly, I think that Homeland Security got a big demotion with the pick of Kerik. It's likely that nothing will change, and eventually the entire idea of a seperate agency will be seen as a big mistake. Bernie would be a great choice as head secruity gaurd at the Mall. But in Washington? Hm.......? Well anyway:

It's all really an attempt to keep the 911 hype alive.

After all, if Dubya had to run on his record and the economy, he likely would be leaving the White House in January!

Sad to say, Dubya owes his second term to 911 and Osama!

And unfortunately, if you back out all of the 911 hype?

The real stuff that matters too most people over the next four years is just spinning in the toilet bowl---waiting to be flushed.


Are we ready for this.............? Ready or not, here it comes.