The failure of the super-committee was a God Send to Obama...
He can gut the bloated War Budget...which is an absurd waste...and really causes more trouble than it cures... Many of the war/military cuts will come from Red States...where the military is concentrated...
And these are not people likely to vote for Obama anyway...
Additionally many Red States are also poor states with a large population of Teabagging poor people...who actually rely on government handouts to survive in the rural areas and small towns... Republicans can explain their vote to them during the 2012 elecions...plenty of time for explaining why food stamps were "bad for you."
Obama can also blame Fox Republicans for cancelling Seseme Street and School Lunches....
And then after the Bush Tax Cuts expire...force Republicans to insist on tax cuts for millionaires...BEFORE the tax cuts for the middle class are "allowed!"
I am overjoyed to see the Fox Republicans take the bait...and ask for more...!