Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Iowans seemed to say "Stop the Hate" yesterday... All the haters were ignored...and they will likely not do well going forward...

The most important question is what does Fox do NOW to keep ratings up...when the only choices are two bland non-Foxy candidates like Romney and Santorum...?

Iowans had to chose who they wanted to cut their Social Security and Medicare...and they chose the two "nice guys"... rejecting all the Fox ranters... The lesser of many evils...

Romney has been avoiding Fox for avoid being associated with their nightly "politi-tainment!"

Santorum would be a good baby sitter or scout master...but can he lead the nation internationally...?

Whats good for Iowa...will not fly nationally.

My hunch is that the 50 and 60 year olds who "caucused" in Iowa last night...want their Social Security preserved...and will vote for Obama in November...