Thursday, May 17, 2012


Dubya's dementia has been obvious for some time...even before his first term... It likely runs in his family...because Poppy had a problem with words and ideas. Poppy call it his : "Vision Thing"...

Why Americans go for this type of still beyond me...

We are about to revert to this type again with Romney...who has that tin ear many elites struggle with...

We know from recent "Power Player" Jeopardy TV shows that the "elites" are not carrying around a lot of excess knowledge in their a lot of their power is simply from contacts and influence...

I have thought that Dubya's "silence" after the election was due to his fear of being charged with War Crimes...and the less said about him the better...

But if Dubya wants to start spreading his stupidity around...his War Crimes could be an issue... He already can't go to many countries without some assurances that he won't be arrested by local prosecutors...since War Crimes have no statute of limitations...and jurisdiction is GLOBAL...!

Ultimately Dubya will be charged with his war crimes...when is the question...not if... He simply will not be able to walk away from his Presidency with a pension and a book deal...