Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Problem with that they DIDN'T...!

OWS's biggest mistake was NOT OCCUPYING WALL STREET...

Instead they were talked into going to a park and FEEDING THE BUMS...!

Much to the delight of Fox News and others...screaming Rape, Shitting on the grass...Pissing on the flowers...

Hopefully they learned time leave the bongos at home...

Next time...Occupy won't be the first time a million people have gone to Washington to petition their government for help...!

As to Sowell on Fox (Click Here)...He should ask what journalists contribute to our production... He sounds like another one trying to get on the Fox payroll...

And this complaint about Americans being "mis-educated" is interesting...because its hard to train engineers when all the factories are in China...and the workers speak Mandarin or Cantonese...!