High value added jobs are in production and those jobs are mostly in China and Asia... Only high value added jobs can "afford" to pay higher wages...
Low value added service jobs...as in the US economy...can not by definition pay high wages...there is simply not enough value being created to afford a high wage...
FED QE is helping American Multinationals move off shore for lower labor costs...AND HIGHER PROFITS...
This is only a temporary situation...
The ultimate question will be : What duty do multinationals have to their domestic economy...? Any? None...?
Then who pays for the quality of life in the US domestic economy...?
Low value added service jobs...as in the US economy...can not by definition pay high wages...there is simply not enough value being created to afford a high wage...
FED QE is helping American Multinationals move off shore for lower labor costs...AND HIGHER PROFITS...
This is only a temporary situation...
The ultimate question will be : What duty do multinationals have to their domestic economy...? Any? None...?
Then who pays for the quality of life in the US domestic economy...?