Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Americans will learn that letting the looters go...and bailing them out... Then forcing austerity on ordinary people will not solve anything...

Making ordinary people poorer only makes things worse...

Making rich people less rich...pushes money down into the economy...real demand is generated...and everyone prospers...EVEN THE GREEDY RICH...!

The French Socialist notion of a 75% tax on incomes above a million Euros is a GREAT IDEA...

If we put a 60% tax on incomes over 10 million per year...the Cult of the Looting CEO would be broken...and the gross hoarding of wealth by the elites would be stopped...

In short...we could bring back the prosperity of the 50's and 60's...or something close to it...

Before RayGunomics...started us down the Road to Ruin and the Era of Asset Bubbles.